Since the first posting of this series, (to read the full Part I of this series, click here,) Facebook has made some surprisingly quick changes to their homepage design.

In the first series of this article, I discussed how I mentioned to Facebook at the SESNY (Search Engine Strategies Conference in New York) that their desire to hone in on Twitter's current market, actually left them in a position where they were lessening the deeper level of social networking they had been offering their users.

Within two days of my comments, I am happy to publicly announce that Facebook started adding back some of the updates they had previously removed in their status feeds on the Home Page. Whereas they had previously removed most of the feeds, other than the 140 status update, they started to add back in other updates.

You can tell they are coding feverishly and trying new changes "on the fly", because each day I sign in there are new updated changes. One day, the homepage feed is moved up closer to the top of the page, the next day the advert box on the home page has been enlarged. They are clearly testing (perhaps even A/B Testing - for those unfamiliar with the term, it is a process where marketers test different models on unsuspecting viewers and measure the responses to gauge the best results. So, like viewer A would see one view of your website and viewer B would see another. After tracking the results of how multiple viewers interact with the different pages, you can see which variables work the best.) So, getting back, Facebook is clearly trying to figure out the best model. Right now, they are not there, but I have confidence in them, yet. I think they will get it. As a user, I would be quite happy if they contacted me for more feedback, because their current changes need some serious tweeking, to be better optimized for user experience.

Facebook is clearly trying to be ahead of the game with social media monetization. Increasing ad sizes, adding the number of ads per page, and hosting a free call to all marketers and businesses at SESNY to start using their ad model. They continue to also post ads on Facebook for businesses to market there.

As a way to get businesses to start marketing with them, they also offered a free $50 credit to us all. This I clearly liked ;).

I think I am one of the first marketers who was using Facebook ads with success. I talked to a friend of mine who works for Google about a year and a half ago who thought the ad model was useless on Facebook, and that marketers were not using it. Personally, I have found it to be quite successful.

Have you tried it? What were your results?
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